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Check-In - STEP. orders

Check-In - STEP.screen printing Order


  • Find and Highlight the PO number on the shipping label of all boxes being received.  Use this number to pre-sort boxes by order.


  • Locate the STEP.screen printing Invoice


  • Open the boxes for a specific order and retrieve the packing lists


  • Compare the packing lists item numbers, colors, sizes, and quantities to the quantities required by the order

    • Full cases of blanks do not require physical count.

    • Partial or Mixed cases require ALL items to be physically counted


  •  Working one color at a time and counting the largest garments first, physically count the garments to confirm the quantities on the packing list are correct.


  • As packing list counts are confirmed, place the blanks onto a Black Work-In-Process cart.

    • Briefly review the artwork for the order and determine which print location is the most complex.  Stage the garments on the Work-In-Process carts with this print location facing upwards. 

    • Garments should be staged on Work-In-Process carts with the largest sizes on the bottom with subsequent sizes in order largest to smallest.


  • Once all the blanks have been confirmed received, report the blanks received on the STEP.orders Incoming tab. 

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